Sunnanå being reimagined with new housing project

The new apartment blocks on Nyckelgatan in Sunnanå are currently being planned. There is potential for 100 new apartments on the slope towards Lantmannagatan, but there are no plans for a previously suggested high-rise building.

The municipality is now planning construction of both multi-family homes and a preschool on Nyckelgatan

The municipality is now planning construction of both multi-family homes and a preschool on Nyckelgatan

Foto: Skellefteå kommun

Skellefteå2023-11-08 15:45

New apartment blocks on Nyckelgatan in Sunnanå are currently being planned. There is potential for 100 new apartments on the slope towards Lantmannagatan, but there are no plans for a high-rise building.

A few years ago, a large area in Södra Sunnanå was planned for up to 700 apartments. There were strong protests from the residents of Nyckelgatan against the increased construction in their area.

This forest is classified as a recreational forest, but some of it will be removed due to construction.

Gradually, more detailed plans were drawn up, and the latest to be developed is the area right next to Nyckelgatan on the slope down to the city. There, a group of houses is proposed that could be up to five stories high, with a maximum ridge height of 19 meters. Compared to the original plan, the houses will be placed closer together in order to preserve more forest around them. The forest is classified as recreational forest.

There had been talk of a landmark near Karlgårdsleden that would be visible from afar, but this has now been dropped. So five stories will be the tallest building, and since the nearest northern neighbors are far away, it is not expected to cast any shadows on existing homes.

The proposal is out for consultation until November 20.

The yellow area is where the new housing is planned.
The yellow area is where the new housing is planned.