Skellefteå's growth: 78 new plots in residential area

Approximately 78 new plots are proposed in Sunnanå, representing a significant expense for the municipality. Instead of draining the land, the strategy is to elevate it.



Foto: Rönngren/Skellefteå kommun

Skellefteå2023-06-14 09:59

The new detailed plan for Stage 2 of the Falkträsket area is now open for public consultation. Until June 20th, stakeholders are invited to share their opinions.

The area is located to the west of the most recently sold and nearly fully developed site. Falkträskbäcken stream runs between these two stages.

To the south of the residential area lies Falkträsket and a region of summer cottages. A broad band of forest is being left in between, and no construction will occur within the 100-meter shoreline protection zone.

The area outlined in red is due for a new detailed urban plan. Falkträsket is visible at the bottom of the image. To the right, you can see the houses

Preserving the good water quality of Falkträsket is deemed essential, and construction should not impact this. The risk is believed to be minimal as the primary runoff area is situated to the north, towards the Skellefteå river.

A significant amount of water travels down via Falkträskbäcken stream, around which a large swath of natural area will be conserved, except for the addition of a few gravel paths.

The proposal includes building two distinct housing loops, with natural spaces also being retained between these two zones.

This street, Dansgatan, will serve as the entrance to the area. The turn-off will be to the left, at the bend seen in the image.

In the eastern area closest to the stream, there are plans to construct 31 standalone houses. The plots for these homes will range between 700 and 750 square meters, a size smaller than what's been traditionally allotted for house lots. These buildings will have a maximum height restriction of 7.5 meters and a significant degree of architectural flexibility. The only stipulations are the prohibition of basement or split-level houses and a specific plot location for each house. Each plot will be allocated a total construction area of ​​150 square meters.

Meanwhile, in the steeper western region, plans include the development of 47 terraced houses. Due to the area's incline, it's considered advantageous for a limited number of developers to handle the construction, thus enabling more thoughtfully engineered solutions to manage the slope. This approach aims to ensure manageable gradients, considering the needs of individuals using wheelchairs, for example.

The area is planned to be divided into two distinct sections: one for detached houses and another for terraced houses.

The primary challenge in the Falkträsk area is its waterlogged nature. In stage one, drainage pipes were buried along the roads, effectively lowering the groundwater level.

However, the downside of this method is that the local municipality becomes perpetually responsible for maintaining the drainage system in good working order.

For the next stage, the plan is to raise the ground level instead, offering a permanent solution to the water issue. The downside, of course, is the associated cost. The ground is set to be raised by 50-70 centimeters where roads will be laid and at least 90 centimeters on the plots themselves.

This elevation process is expected to require a total of 50,000 cubic meters of fill.

Currently, the area earmarked for the housing development is forested. The majority of the land is owned by the municipality, but a private landowner is also involved in the project.