Skellefteå's largest-ever afterwork welcomes newcomers

Mark your calendars! On Wednesday, May 29, Sara kulturhus is throwing a grand afterwork event open to all of Skellefteå. Join the lively mingling party featuring live music and a welcoming bar atmosphere. New residents of Skellefteå are especially encouraged to attend!

Skellefteå's largest-ever afterwork event is promised.

Skellefteå's largest-ever afterwork event is promised.

Foto: pressbild

Engelska2024-05-07 09:57

To help you easily strike up conversations, there will be special conversation starter cards available throughout the venue.

– We're looking forward to a fantastic evening where everyone feels welcome and has the chance to forge new friendships, says Sofia Sturesson from Welcome House, Skellefteå municipality.

This after-work event is a collaborative effort between Visit Skellefteå, Skellefteå municipality, and Sara kulturhus.

– Our goal is to create a relaxed atmosphere where newcomers and Skellefteå veterans can mingle and make new connections, says Stina Renström from Visit Skellefteå.

– Just come as you are!